Google has added a new feature in its search result page or SERP, Whose works is to tell you about the website coming in the search as result or give information about them.
I do not know what name Google has given to this feature but we can call it "about the search result", Or maybe Google gave it the same name "about the search result".
Now comes to the point, what is the benefit of this feature aka About the Search Result?
According to Google, About the Search Result is a way for you to find helpful info without having to do another search. so basically you will get some information about the website without doing another search for that.

Pic Source: Google Blog
How to use Google's About the Search Result feature?
Next to the result title on Google, you’ll begin to see a menu icon that you can tap to learn more about the result or feature and where the information is coming from.
What Information do we get from the "About the Search Result" menu?
As of now a description of the website from Wikipedia and If a website doesn’t have a Wikipedia, Google will show when Google first indexed the site.
Where is this About the Search Result feature currently available?
Starting with the English language in the U.S. on desktop, mobile web, and the Google App on Android.
Now, this is the information that Google has already shared with us, If I know anything else about it, I will definitely share it with you.