Whatever you will find in this article, it will not be new or you will not get anything by which your website will be on top in a few days.
But whatever SEO tips you will read or follow the best SEO practice given by Google, it will be sure that your website will not be down due to any penalty or any algorithm.
Like any other big website, I will not make a long, detailed article, I will tell you in the Bullets Points, what is important to keep in mind to grow the organic traffic of your web site.

For a minute forget that you are a content creator who is looking for SEO tips for your website, See what Google wants in a website from the user's perspective
- Website Speed, So removes unwanted things from your website that impact your page loading speed.
- Appreciate other website work by adding links to their article, make sure to make links with relevant content.
- Create content for users not for bots. Like, avoid keyword stuffing and hidden text, etc.
- Meta Title and Description is very critical meta tags because all the content depends on these, be sure to check while creating the meta tags.
- Use a simple URL structure, that bots and humans both can easily read.
- Create Engaging and informative content that people will share on their social media account.
These were some SEO tips that can help you while creating content or changing the ON-Page experience.
With this, according to almost everyone, there should not be a good website.
- Remove unnecessary links
- Numbers of duplicate meta tags like titles tag,
- Wrong Anchor Text for your internal links as well as external links.
- Poor Layout, like layout that bothers users to read main content,
Apart from this, Google itself has created a wonderful SEO Guide, by reading the SEO tips you will get a lot of ideas about what is necessary for today's date and what is not. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide